Heavy Metal Mania

The recent Celtic Frost show
At The House of Blues
On the Sunset Strip
Featured a mosh pit
That demonstrated 20 years
Of punk and heavy metal scenester archetypes
I watched all them from my balcony standpoint
There was the shirtless mosh police guy
Who watched the wild ones dance in a circle
And who gave a hearty shove
To any overly aggressive dancer
And also to anyone who he thought
had one coming
I saw the overzealous bouncer
Who was eager to practice his newest version
Of the headlock
On a hairy, sweaty House of Blues patron
in a Slayer Tshirt
who bumped into a girl
and spilled her Heineken
The heavy metal midget was there
He was four feet two inches tall
And wore a Testament Tshirt
The drunken loud guy
Banged his fist in the air
And moved his two hundred pound body
around a three foot radius
He showed me his Greyhound bus ticket
That he purchased in El Paso
That got him to L.A.
to see the show.
The over the hill metal fan was there.
He was balding
He had a moustache.
And he was singing along
with the words to “The Usurper”.
Numerous torn fishnet and spandex top-clad
groupie types
were in attendance.
They always are.
A fat metal kid
In size 55 waist Levis
Wore a studded black leather wrist band
Held on with a black laced shoe string
As the original leather strap must have broken.
There were also some modern scenester variations
Such as the vampire couple
Who wore pale powder white pancake makeup
And red painted lips
And black satin gloves
Both the guy and the girl, that is
In the twenty years that I have been
Going to these shows
The bands come and go
Some lead singers grow fat and bald
Drummers die
Guitar players marry, move to Minnesota
and release countless piss poor solo records.
Bass players devolve into their own private hell
And peek their heads out of their holes
For that brief hour and a half
The few nights per week
That they are on stage
The timeless creature
That is the crowd
At a thrash metal show,
Has, however,
Throughout time,
Basically stayed the same.
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