Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
#1 Plate. Viva Cagiva!

As of Sunday's race at Barber Motorsports in Leeds, Alabama, I took the national championship and #1 plate in AHRMA Vintage Superbike Middleweight for 2006. THANK YOU to everyone who helped out this year, especially Alice, Mark Etheridge/Moto Guzzi Classics, Bruce Meyers, Sean Fader, BCM Ducati, and everyone else who made this posible. After 10 AHRMA races in this class, I ended up with 10 first place wins.
The track at Barber was simply bitchen. It was a superbly technical track with lots of elevation changes and the little 650 pantah was the perfect vehicle for it.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
October WSMC Races
The WSMC races always feature a variety of “personalities”. V. Heavy 1st place finisher and custom home builder George Beavers has been piloting a 1980’s Suzuki GS1100 with modern brakes and wheels to the tune of 1:32 lap times. He is obviously smoking me like a salmon in V. Heavy class on that thing. Andy from West Coast GP Cycles related that the bike had dynoed at 136 hp at the wheel. George probably clinched the V. Heavy championship on this bike as of October. Nice Job.
Scott Fabbro, who is always a pleasure to race with […especially since his >100 hp GS1100 broke and since he’s been handicapped by having to race his GS850 street bike], took a 3rd in Vintage Heavyweight. I’ve learned a lot by getting beaten by Scott in the past. I think he was off his game due to girl troubles, as I managed to outbrake him in Fearsome Turn 9, which is peculiar because that’s where his 20 years of experience at Willow Springs usually shines. He’ll probably be back in form next month.
Sean Fader had his V65 Guzzi out at Willow, too. It will probably be the last time it will be out in a long time, as we just found him a 650 Ducati like mine to race at Willow. The Guzzi in underpowered for the classes that are available at Willow. That rascal is about 50 lbs lighter than me, so I’ll be watching my back in 2007.
Warren Spradlin, current V. Light champion, finished 0.3 seconds behind me in V. Light this month. Warren’s been having medical problems with his foot. In fact, he showed me the IV that he was hooked up to between races. He’s set to take the championship in V. Light, so he couldn’t risk missing a race weekend. How’s that for dedication. The medical issues didn’t stop him from dropping 2 seconds off his lap times since August and almost getting past me, too!
Friday, October 13, 2006

Rusty was an old dog by the time I’d met him.
In the end, he made it to fifteen,
Which is damned old for a dog
He was a helluva guy.
He’d been tripped over,
Had his balls cut off
Had his feet stepped on
Been hit by a car
Been shot with a handgun
And been subject to years of
Chemical, noise
and other industrial exposure
that comes with hanging around a motorcycle shop
He would always greet me
with a big Collie smile
and a friendly, but slightly vacant
Collie face
When female customers came to the shop
he would follow this greeting
by burying his face
in their crotch
and waiting to have his back scratched
Bastard dog got away with
this type of behavior, too.
In his younger years,
Rusty was known for
Making his own way
The two miles
between his home
and the motorcycle shop.
He indeed may have had
more than one master
other homes
and perhaps
a number of bitches
He will now sit
In a motorcycle cylinder
On the counter
Of the Moto Guzzi shop
His ashes entombed
Where his presence
Will be missed the most
In the end
Rusty left us
With Collie sizes holes
In our hearts
That will not heal
CompletelyWednesday, October 11, 2006
Heavy Metal Mania

The recent Celtic Frost show
At The House of Blues
On the Sunset Strip
Featured a mosh pit
That demonstrated 20 years
Of punk and heavy metal scenester archetypes
I watched all them from my balcony standpoint
There was the shirtless mosh police guy
Who watched the wild ones dance in a circle
And who gave a hearty shove
To any overly aggressive dancer
And also to anyone who he thought
had one coming
I saw the overzealous bouncer
Who was eager to practice his newest version
Of the headlock
On a hairy, sweaty House of Blues patron
in a Slayer Tshirt
who bumped into a girl
and spilled her Heineken
The heavy metal midget was there
He was four feet two inches tall
And wore a Testament Tshirt
The drunken loud guy
Banged his fist in the air
And moved his two hundred pound body
around a three foot radius
He showed me his Greyhound bus ticket
That he purchased in El Paso
That got him to L.A.
to see the show.
The over the hill metal fan was there.
He was balding
He had a moustache.
And he was singing along
with the words to “The Usurper”.
Numerous torn fishnet and spandex top-clad
groupie types
were in attendance.
They always are.
A fat metal kid
In size 55 waist Levis
Wore a studded black leather wrist band
Held on with a black laced shoe string
As the original leather strap must have broken.
There were also some modern scenester variations
Such as the vampire couple
Who wore pale powder white pancake makeup
And red painted lips
And black satin gloves
Both the guy and the girl, that is
In the twenty years that I have been
Going to these shows
The bands come and go
Some lead singers grow fat and bald
Drummers die
Guitar players marry, move to Minnesota
and release countless piss poor solo records.
Bass players devolve into their own private hell
And peek their heads out of their holes
For that brief hour and a half
The few nights per week
That they are on stage
The timeless creature
That is the crowd
At a thrash metal show,
Has, however,
Throughout time,
Basically stayed the same.
Friday, October 06, 2006

Jeezis, H, but I spent $50 on a general admission ticket. I remember back in the good old days when shows were $10... mumble grumble...
Monday, October 02, 2006
Miller Motorsports/Sandia Race Wrapup

AHRMA Miller Motorsports Results: 1st Place, Vintage Superbike Middleweight (x2)
AHRMA Sandia Speedway Results: 1st Place, Vintage Superbike Middleweight (x2), 2nd Place,Battle of the Twins F3 (x2),3rd Place, Vintage Superbike Heavyweight.
There was some wacky stuff going on on these two tracks this last trip...it hailed and stormed during Friday practice at Miller. Luckily, weather on Saturday and Sunday turned out just fine.
At Sandia, I came around turn 1 and saw the yellow and red debris flag flying...only to find a handful of $20 bills floating around the race line. Someone stashed his wallet in his leathers and then accidentally dropped it on the track!
I traded one of my trophies from Miller to Bill Smithers from the Sugar House Barbecue in Salt Lake City. In exchange, I got a huge plate of barbecued tri tip, beans and corn bread! If you're ever in Salt Lake, stop by and see Bill's place. It has great food, and great motorcycle-themed ambience.